The Seven Sins of Robin Hutson - CEO of LimeWood Group Ltd
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    The Seven Sins of Robin Hutson

    CEO of LimeWood Group Ltd
    Robin Hutson
    Awarded The Hotelier of the Year in 2003 and Outstanding Contribution Catey in 2014, Robin is known as an innovative and entrepreneurial hotelier with 40 years experience in some of the world’s most famous hotels.

    Trained with The Savoy group London and Hotel de Crillon in Paris. This was followed by two years at Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda, then GM at Chewton Glen in the New Forest.

    In 1994 Robin co founded the hugely influential Hotel du Vin group. Hotel du Vin was at the vanguard of the UK boutique hotel movement. After exactly 10 years, Hotel du Vin was sold for the record sum of £66m.

    Non Exec Director then Executive Chairman alongside Nick Jones at Soho House Group for 14 years until January 2008 the group was successfully sold for £105m.
    Robin is now CEO & Chairman LimeWood
    Group Ltd and Home Grown Hotels Ltd, his latest venture The Pig in its short existence has already been much lauded as a mould breaker in the country house sector.

    Endorsed by winning another Catey, (the industry’s Oscars), this time for The Pig- Independent Hotel of the Year 2013. The group is now 4 strong with more in the pipeline.
    Wrath - What makes you angry about the hospitality industry?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    Hotels and restaurants run by ‘accountants’ without any spirit of generosity.
    Greed - If all your food fantasies came true what would be on your Plate?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    Angela Hartnett’s - White truffle risotto.
    Sloth - What do you do to unwind?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    Lie on a beach in the sun or go fly-fishing.
    Pride - What are you most proud of?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    Developing and mentoring lots of youngsters over the years to help them realize their potential.
    Lust - Is there anything that you are still lusting to achieve?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    More adventure travel, there are many places I have not yet visited. I would like to achieve a significant adventure.
    Envy - who are you most envious of?
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    A difficult question, but perhaps musicians, I would love to be able to pick up a musical instrument, perhaps a guitar and play competently.
    Gluttony - have you ever over indulged? 
    Robin Hutson Seven Sins
    Yes, it’s a slight occupational hazard, particularly if you are as passionate about good food and wine as I am!
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